Employers with a formal Recovery at Work program – one in which employees and the employer agree in advance to the general concept of such a program and how it will function – have positioned themselves to lower their long-term Workers’ Compensation insurance costs and maintain better morale throughout the work force.
The Flanders Group provides our Workers’ Compensation insurance clients with our proprietary Recovery at Work Toolkit. One of the features of that toolkit is a written Recovery at Work agreement. The benefits of this tool include:
- Clear, concise expectations for injured workers, thus minimizing confusion and communication issues that can otherwise strain relationships with affected employees;
- An opportunity to review the employer’s definition of absences, tardiness, and no-call / no-show policies; and,
- Regular and periodic revisions and updates, which will ensure the ongoing success and improvement of a recovery-at-work initiative.
The Flanders Group will help you develop and implement this program in advance and, when it is necessary to use it, we will assist you as the employer with implementing the process outlined in the program. Better communication, in advance, with employees, is a critical element of our value in helping all Workers’ Compensation insurance clients at The Flanders Group to control and reduce their long-term costs.