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Are You Ready To Post Your OSHA 300A?

By January 28, 2015August 22nd, 2018

Are you ready to post your OSHA 300A ?  Employers have until February 1, 2015 to post their annual summary of work-related injuries and illnesses in a common workplace area.  The annual summary includes the number of employees involved and the number of hours they worked for the year.  Remember, even if you did not have any recordable injuries or illnesses, you are still required to post the summary.

According to OSHA, they will continue to focus on 2014-2015 record-keeping.  The posting period is from February 1, 2015 until April 30, 2015, and employers are required to update and maintain their records for the current year and the following five years, in case of an unexpected OSHA inspection.

If you need a copy of the OSHA 300A annual summary form or have additional questions, please contact Aisha Hartford, Director of Client Services, at 1-800-462-6435 Ext 233 or by email at .