You may have heard the term “comorbidity” during a review of your Workers’ Compensation claims. Simply stated it indicates two or more medical conditions existing at the same time. A study by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) shows that the percentage of claims with a comorbidity diagnosis nearly tripled from 2.4% in 2000 to 6.6% of claims in 2010 and indicates these claims cost about twice as much as single diagnosis claims. Some other interesting points:
1. Comorbidity diagnoses for hypertension and diabetes are the most prevalent.
2. A majority of claimants with a comorbidity diagnosis are male.
3. Claimants with comorbidities are typically older than other claimants – most cases fall between ages 45 and 60.
4. Obesity is an important comorbid factor that can be controlled – particularly as it relates to musculoskeletal injuries.
So, what do you see when you review your Workers’ Compensation claims?
For more information on how you can control your Workers’ Comp claim costs, call The Flanders Group at 800-462-6435.