U111 and U111a
This form must be completed for each entity, including the FEINs, signed and returned to NYSIF. Please have the form signed by a principal or an executive officer of the company you wish to add. No coverage will be issued if there is no combinability* between the entities.
*Combinability – The same person, group of persons or corporation owns more than 50% of each entity.
U218 – Executive Officer Information Sheet
Form U-218 must be completed and returned to NYSIF in every case where there is a change of officers of a corporation presently insured by us or where a request is made to transfer the policy to a corporation.
U617 and U619
U617 and U619 – Notice to Corporations with One or Two Executive Officers who own all of the Corporation’s stock. (Includes U619 – The notice of election of a corporation which is required to have coverage for its employees under the New York State Workers’ Compensation Law to exclude the Sole Shareholder-officer or one of the two or both executive Officers-shareholders of the corporation from such coverage.)
Sole/Dual Executive Officer exclusion from workers’ compensation coverage
U626 and U627
If you are self-employed (sole proprietor) or a partner as defined in Section 10 of the Partnership Law or a member of an LLC, you can elect to be covered under your policy by completing and signing the letter, U-626, and the notice of election form, U-627. Return both to NYSIF.
A Not-for-Profit Corporation or a Not-for-Profit Unincorporated Association may exclude an unsalaried executive officer from coverage.
CPAP Application
635K – New York Workers Compensation Premium Credit Application
NY State Insurance Fund
Application for New York Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance