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COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ’s for Employers

The COVID-19 pandemic has been wreaking havoc in the United States for over a year at this point.  Now, vaccines are finally here. There is a lot of information on the internet
regarding the vaccines, some of which is misleading.

It’s important for employers to learn the facts about the COVID-19 vaccines so they can better protect their employees and customers.  This provides an overview of the COVID-19 vaccines and answers some FAQ’s relevant to employers.  Information comes primarily from the Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention (CDC).

Employees should talk to their doctors to learn whether the vaccines are safe for them to receive.


1.  Do Employees Need the Vaccines if They Recovered From COVID-19 Already?

If someone previously contracted and recovered from COVID-19, they should still receive the vaccines if they can, according to the CDC.

2.  When Will the Vaccines Be Available?

The vaccines are currently available to select individuals. This list generally includes frontline medical workers, long-term care facility staff, patients in nursing homes, and in some cases, those age 65 and older.

3.  Can the Vaccines Be Mandatory for Employees?

In short, yes—employers may  generally make receiving a vaccine a mandatory condition of employment.  But that may not always be the best option for every organization. As
such, employers should seek legal counsel to discuss which course of action is best for their specific circumstances.  In the meantime, the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) published an exhaustive list of frequently asked questions to help employers navigate this sensitive area.

4.  Can COVID-19 Precautions End if All Employees Are Vaccinated?

The vaccines are only one of several tools in the arsenal used to fight COVID-19. So even after receiving both doses of the vaccines, other workplace safeguards should remain in effect, including:
• Washing hands frequently
• Wearing masks
• Social distancing
• Self-quarantining if sick

Here is additional information from the CDC regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.  Stay safe, stay informed.  Call The Flanders Group for all your Workers Compensation needs at 800-462-6435.